Trauma Healing

Discover healing and hope through our Trauma Healing programs, rooted in the model of the Trauma Healing Institute of the American Bible Society. Our programs offer compassionate support and practical guidance for individuals and families navigating emotional and spiritual wounds.

Healing Heart Wounds

Explore healing for the wounds of the heart with our Healing Heart Wounds program. Guided by certified facilitators and blending scripture with mental health principles, this program helps adults:

  • Gain insights into trauma and its effects
  • Address spiritual and emotional wounds
  • Release pain and foster resilience
  • Experience God’s healing and restoration


  • Date : Tuesdays to Saturdays
  • Venue : FGA KL

Healing Hearts Club

The Healing Hearts Club is designed to empower children aged 8 – 12 with resilience and emotional healing. Through a five-day camp filled with stories, games, art, and music, led by trained facilitators, children can:

  • Address and understand their emotional hurts
  • Find healing in a supportive, small-group environment
  • Grow in emotional health and faith in Christ